Plan To Double Lifespan Of Inverclyde Windfarm Is Agreed

The operators of Inverclyde Windfarm, in the countryside near Greenock, are being allowed to double its lifespan.

Councillors on Inverclyde's Planning Board agreed that the eight-turbine facility can operate for 50 years instead of 25.

The windfarm, located beside Corlic Hill, became fully operational in late 2020. It has a total capacity of 24 megawatts and displaces more than 18,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

A supporting statement submitted by the operators explained: “Wind turbine technology continues to evolve and the understanding of site conditions and turbine condition and performance monitoring has grown since the planning permission for the development was obtained in 2016.

“It is now considered that it is reasonable to expect that the development will have a viable operational lifespan of up to 50 years.

“The application presents a real opportunity… to allow the development to produce renewable electricity and contribute to climate change mitigation and related renewable energy targets for as long as is possible.”

Community benefit funding will continue during the extra operational time.

Developer BayWa sold the windfarm to James Jones & Sons Ltd and London-based specialist asset manager, Gresham House Asset Management.

Andrew Bowman, Director at Bowman Rebecchi is a Trustee of Inverclyde Community Fund which distributes funding through a number of different grant programmes to the benefit of the Inverclyde Community as a result of the funds gifted from the windfarm each year.

Inverclyde Community Fund


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