Bowman Rebecchi Commended for Commitment to Young People of Scotland

Bowman Rebecchi is one of 816 employers currently signed up to the Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG), collectively providing in excess of 22,000 opportunities, many targeting those young people furthest away from the labour market.

The Young Person's Guarantee is a commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people, aiming to connect 16 to 24 year olds in Scotland to opportunities such as jobs, apprenticeships, further or higher education, training or volunteering programmes.

In recent years, Bowman Rebecchi has worked closely alongside Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to provide young locals with job opportunities.

In 2021, Bowman Rebecchi employed three staff members as part of the UK Government’s Kickstart Scheme, helping young people aged 16-24 who are receiving Universal Credit to find six-month work placements, so they can gain experience and skills that will set them up for future employment.

As part of the Kickstart Scheme, 22-year-old Rhys Elliott was brought on to support a software upgrade and has since developed into a key component of the team, supporting a wide range of marketing activities across all business activities and is currently studying towards his Marketing Apprenticeship, supported by Inverclyde Council and Bowman Rebecchi.

More Recently, Bowman Rebecchi, alongside Career Ready, has announced an expansion to their Internship Programme after the success of their 2021-22 programme which saw 16-year-old Jack Crombie from Port Glasgow High School taking on a 4-week internship in 2022.

The property firm will now welcome two candidates in 2023, with the internship taking place across July and August 2023 based at Bowman Rebecchi’s Inverclyde office in Gourock, covering a variety of departments, including residential and commercial property, architectural services, advertising, and marketing.

Career Ready is a UK-wide social mobility charity that links schools and colleges with employers to help prepare young people for the world of work.

Andrew Bowman, co-founder of Bowman Rebecchi said:

“Investing back into the community and providing opportunities to local residents is something that we are very passionate about at Bowman Rebecchi.

“We are aiming to further develop the programme and hope to provide and welcome further local talent consistently alongside Career Ready and Developing the Young Workforce.”

Based in Gourock, Bowman Rebecchi provides specialist commercial and residential lettings, sales, and management services across west-central Scotland, managing over 1,200 properties across west and central Scotland.

Sandy Begbie, Chair of YPG & DYW said:

“Thank you to Bowman Rebecchi for their commitment to the Young People of Scotland

“Bowman Rebecchi is one of the fantastic 816 employers currently signed up to the Young Person’s Guarantee, collectively providing in excess of 22,000 opportunities, many targeting those young people furthest away from the labour market.

“Employer leadership continues to be a key element of the success of the Guarantee and in the delivery of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy – Developing the Young Workforce.  With your support the Guarantee has already exceeded one of its main goals of creating tens of thousands of new and additional opportunities for young people.

“I am confident that Bowman Rebecchi’s commitment to the Guarantee and to making a real difference to young people will continue and I look forward to your ongoing support through the next stage of this vital work.”

A March 2023 Report on the key activities that have taken place due to the Young Persons Guarantee can be found here.

Young Person’s Guarantee


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