Inverclyde Market Update – March 2023

Bowman Rebecchi is delighted to share Inverclyde’s latest residential property market statistics for March 2023.

The market showed a lot of positive movement in March with the number of new listings, sales agreed and available properties all increasing.

The average time on market also fell from February, showing that homes on the market in Inverclyde are moving quickly.

The number of price reductions slightly increased which could be another contributing factor to the decreasing average time on market.

The average price of homes in Inverclyde stayed largely the same with just a small drop of £139.

Bowman Rebecchi shares monthly market insights, highlighting the latest movements for our clients and future customers.

For further information or support with selling your property, contact us.


Offer Accepted for Holmscroft Street Property


Offer Accepted for Wellington Street Property