All The Latest Property News
New £130k Crisis Grant Fund Approved
A new £130,000 crisis grant fund to help Inverclyde’s most vulnerable residents with rising fuel bills has been approved.
Local Contractor Appointed For Clune Park Demolition Works
Inverclyde Council has appointed a local contractor to begin the demolition of the Clune Park estate.
Inverclyde Private Landlord Survey
Inverclyde Council is undertaking a survey of private landlords across Inverclyde.
Public Asked for Views On Long-Term Priorities for Greenock
Consultation is taking place over how £20million of UK Government funding should be spent in Greenock.
Storage Building Proposal For Long-Term Vacant Greenock Site
Planning permission is being sought for a storage building in central Greenock.
Flats And Shops Proposal Approved For Disused Town Centre Hotel
Inverclyde Council Planners have approved a plan to convert the Star Hotel in Port Glasgow into flats and shops.
Inverclyde Council Could Bring In Visitor Levy For Hotels
Inverclyde Council now has the power to add a 'tourist tax' to accommodation costs for people visiting the area - but it's yet to decide whether to use it.
Wine Bar Proposal For Kilmacolm
Inverclyde Planners are being asked to agree conversion of office space into a wine bar.
Container Storage Yard Plan For Vacant Land At Business Park
An application has been made to create a storage facility on vacant ground in Port Glasgow.
Inverclyde Council To Hold Locality Plan Consultations
Inverclyde Council are looking for communities to have their say and help shape the priorities contained within each of the 6 locality plans for 2024-2027.
House Proposal Approved For Former Gourock Church
Plans to convert a historic Inverclyde church building into a house have been given the go-ahead.
Bowman Rebecchi Selected To Join Inverclyde Business Growth Programme
Bowman Rebecchi is delighted to confirm it has been selected by Inspirent and Inverclyde Council to join a new business growth programme.
New Street Name Proposed For McPherson Development
Inverclyde Councillors are to decide what the street is to be called in the 22-house development at the McPherson Development.
Bowman Rebecchi Supports DYW West Breakfast Event
Bowman Rebecchi was delighted to be invited to support a business breakfast to help raise awareness of Developing the Young Workforce within Inverclyde.
Have Your Say On New Inverclyde Housing Strategy
People are being invited to help shape the future of housing in Inverclyde over the next five years.
Bowman Rebecchi Supports Inverclyde Council's 'The Recruit' Programme
Bowman Rebecchi was delighted to be invited to support Inverclyde Council's 'The Recruit' Programme, which has returned after a two-year absence.